Studies show that stress and overwhelm actually inhibit an individual’s creativity for innovation, problem-solving and the ability to do more with less.
The current business landscape calls for a more conscious way of leading so that organizations can achieve greater success through partnership with their people.
To be conscious leaders, we must be present. By their very nature, horses seek out leaders who are calm, present and aware. As such, they have a unique ability to show you what is and isn’t working with your leadership and team dynamics.
Traditionally we seek to learn strengths and areas for development from our human counterparts through feedback. But humans consciously or unconsciously hold back information and feelings for various reasons, especially with leaders and executives. In contrast, horses hold up a mirror to your leadership or interaction style in ways that are clear and enlightening. This provides a rare opportunity to receive direct, non-judgmental insights into how others experience you but won’t necessarily tell you.
Through Equus Coaching™, you will have the chance to shift your behavior and approach real-time, receiving immediate responses from the horses. These new behaviors and approaches directly translate to interactions with people as well, because what it takes to influence a horse is astonishingly similar to what it takes to influence people.